Story & Vision

Hugo and Naomi Foxwood

Hugo and Naomi Foxwood


St Peter’s Norbiton, has a long history of worshipping God and expressing His love. In recent years, we became particularly known for our work with those suffering from homelessness. The previous vicar, Revd Peter Holmes, welcomed them in for meals, provided accommodation through founding the Joel Community Project, and helped set up Kingston Churches Action on Homlessness (KCAH), before he tragically died of Covid in April 2020.

On 1st September 2021, St Peter’s began a fresh chapter with the arrival of a new vicar, Revd Hugo Foxwood. Hugo was the curate at St Stephen’s Twickenham, where he took a particular interest in teaching God’s Word, encouraging the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and leading the ministry with the homeless and the vulnerable. He is married to Naomi, who works for Tearfund in advocacy for some of the poorest in our world. They have two children, Bibi and Isaac.

As a young man, Hugo worked with former Triad gangsters in Hong Kong, at a drug rehab centre founded by the famous missionary Jackie Pullinger, author of Chasing the Dragon. He writes: “When I was in Hong Kong I saw the healing and fulfilment that can come from finding a sense of purpose and security in God. My hope is that many will similarly experience God through St Peter’s, finding the refreshment, joy, and life that the Holy Spirit brings.”

As for vision, Hugo says “We’re going to be doing lots of listening and praying before St Peter’s decides on our new vision. But one thing that’s bound to characterise it is a practical concern for the vulnerable, building on the profound legacy of Revd Peter Holmes, who did so much in expressing God’s concern for the homeless and the marginalised.”

Children and young people

We value the contribution of children and young people at St Peter’s, and they are involved in many aspects of our church life including worship music, reading, and our annual nativity.

We are currently in the process of planning what our provision of Kids Church will look like on Sunday mornings.

If you have any questions about children or young people, then do message us by clicking the button below.

Meet the Leadership Team

  • Revd Hugo Foxwood

  • Geraldine Burgess


  • Bo Lee


I’m new here

We are ready to warmly welcome you to St Peter’s Norbiton and we’d like to invite you to a newcomers’ event, where you will have an opportunity to chat with us and meet Hugo our new Vicar.

So do please drop us a line below, or just email



If you’d like to join in our vision to build up a community with a mission to worship God and express his love, then one of the ways you can do that is through giving financially. We’re a small church, so little gifts have a big impact.


One-off Gift

To make a one-off contribution you may do so by

  • BACS transfer using the bank details below

  • Post a cheque to our office made out to
    PCC of St Peter’s Norbiton

Regular Giving

If you are a regular member you may find it more hassle free to give through a standing order. Please use the regular payment button below.

You will also have the opportunity to Gift Aid your donation.


If you are considering a legacy donation to St Peter’s in your will and would like to talk to somebody about it, please contact
or call us on 020 8546 3212.

Bank Details

Account Name: PCC of St. Peter's Norbiton
Account Number: 43289053
Sort Code: 60-60-02





