Hugo and Naomi Foxwood


St Peter’s Norbiton has been worshipping God and expressing His love since we were planted 1842. In more recent years, we became particularly known for our work with those suffering from homelessness. The previous vicar, Revd Peter Holmes, welcomed them in for meals and later provided accommodation through founding the Joel Centre, before he tragically died of Covid in April 2020.

On 1st September 2021, St Peter’s began a fresh chapter with the arrival of a new vicar, Revd Hugo Foxwood. Hugo was the curate at St Stephen’s Twickenham, where he took a particular interest in teaching God’s Word, encouraging the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and leading the ministry with the homeless and the vulnerable. Prior to that he trained at St Mellitus College. He is married to Naomi, who works in international development. They have two children, Bibi and Isaac.

As a young man, Hugo worked with former Triad gangsters in Hong Kong, at a drug rehab centre founded by the famous missionary Jackie Pullinger, author of Chasing the Dragon. He writes: “When I was in Hong Kong I saw the healing and fulfilment that can come from finding a sense of purpose and security in God. My hope is that many will similarly experience God through St Peter’s, finding the refreshment, joy, and life that the Holy Spirit brings.”


We believe that God is calling St Peter’s to be a warm and loving community with a mission to:

Embrace God’s love

We want to be rooted in God’s love, to sense his delight in us, to enjoy a loving relationship with Jesus Christ. As we prioritise knowing more of God’s love, we believe this will overflow, so that we…

Connect Communities

We want to love one another, as a diverse community of Jesus’ disciples, but we also want to make connections with other communities. Whether through our formal outreach, or through our individual friendships, we welcome people to connect in a variety of ways with our church community.

Seek His Kingdom

The Kingdom of God is far wider than anything that can be contained within our church. It knows no geographical boundaries and encompasses every sphere of life, valuing justice, liberation, and compassion. We want to work with God’s Spirit to see His Kingdom permeate every sphere of our lives and our society.


We seek to be grounded in God’s Word, aflame with His Spirit, and overflowing with His love.

We value welcome, hospitality, and building up community.

We prioritise the marginalised, the outsider, and the most vulnerable.


We’re also deeply committed to environmental justice. We’re working towards a silver Eco-Church Award, and already have a bronze award. You can read our environmental policy here. If you have suggestions as to how we can do better in caring for our environment, then do please email Becky Mills, our Environmental Champion.

Additional Services:

  • Baptisms

  • Weddings

  • Funerals

  • Confirmations