and if you spend yourselves on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land.
// Isaiah 58: 10-11
We have a vision to see the people of Kingston flourish, particularly the vulnerable, as we seek God’s Kingdom among us.
Below is some of what we do, and there are many opportunities to join in. If you’d like to know more, please get in touch.
Archway Community Cafe
Come join us at our Archway Community Cafe on Wednesdays from 10am-12pm in our Archway Parish Rooms on the Cambridge Road Estate at 11 Daffodil Walk (formally Somerset Rd and Washington Rd), KT1 3JL (near Piper Hall) — see map.
This is a joint partnership with Doxadeo City Changer Projects, Kingston Foodbank, and St Peter’s Church where you will find a welcoming and friendly place to relax, connect with the local community, enjoy free refreshments, and find practical support if you need it. Through our partner charities, we offer specialist advocacy, advice, and support on many issues such as debt, housing, benefits, food, and heating.
The Joel Project
The Joel Project was originally a nightshelter and other services for the homeless in St Peter's Church Hall. Many lives were touched by this fruitful ministry, which was led by Revd Peter Holmes, the previous vicar of St Peter's Norbiton. For a brief period, the space was then used by KCAH (a homelessness charity) for a drug stabilisation project, who then handed back the space to JCS in June 2022.
The Joel Centre is now being used to house a Christian community of refugees. On being granted their refugee status, they were required to leave their Home Office accommodation, and so would have been at risk of homelessness if we hadn’t been able to offer them a place in this community house. They have fully grasped a vision for hospitality, and it’s been wonderful to see them able to invite people around for meals – for many of them this is the first time they have been able to do so for several years. Although language remains a barrier on these occasions, it’s wonderful to see connections happening anyway, whether through the provision of meals, a simple game of chess, or smiles of welcome and gratitude.
For more on this vision, see a fuller update at www.joelcommunityservices.org
The Vintage Banquet
On almost every Thursday of the year St Peter’s hosts a "Vintage Banquet" for those aged 60 or over. Doors open at 11.00am, where we spend time chatting, feasting, and doing fun activities together. Food is served at 1pm, followed by more activities. If you’re over 60, we would love to see you there.
The Vintage Banquet
Mother's Union
Our Mother’s Union group meet regularly at St Peter’s Church. We often have guest speakers and enjoy afternoon tea together. We join with other neighbouring groups for summer garden parties and enjoy Cathedral prayers each month. You are very welcome to attend if you are a mother or a woman who has a mothering role in someone’s life.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the church office.
Archway Tiny Tots
Come and join Archway Tiny Tots if you are a parent or carer of little ones aged 0-5. We meet weekly on a Monday from 9:30-10:45am at Archway Parish Rooms, KT1 3JL. If you have any questions or would like to find out any further information, please email: natalie.jones@stpetersnorbiton.org.uk